Category Archives: MOOCs

Gratis kurser om Første Verdenskrig høsten 2014

Høsten 2014 starter der opp 4 stk 3-ukers MOOC kurser om den Første Verdenskrigen på FutureLearn. Kursene er et samarbeid mellom University of Birmingham og BBC.

De ser veldig interessante ut!

Du vil kunne finne dem her:


«World War 1 – Paris 1919 – New World Order?»

Kurset starter 13. oktober 2014. Varighet 3 uker.


The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 ended a Great War, but it also designed the post-war future. In 1919, world leaders assembled in Paris redrew the map of the world, partitioned and created countries, and ushered in a new era of international relations. The naivety of the peace-makers of 1919 has been justly criticised. However, in setting up a permanent ‘world organisation’, the League of Nations, they changed the management of world affairs forever…

Produced in collaboration with the BBC, this three-week course will let you retrace the steps of those who took those momentous decisions almost a century ago. You’ll have a chance to assess how, over the past century, world organisations (first the League of Nations, then the United Nations) have become a forum for international cooperation. And you’ll be encouraged to debate many of the issues that have vexed international politics since then.


«World War 1 – Aviation Comes of Age».

Kurset starter 20. oktober 2014. Varighet 3 uker.


This course will investigate how the early days of aviation gripped the imagination of the general public, galvanised industry and excited far-sighted members of the military.

Aviation evolved rapidly during World War 1 with modern and more effective aircraft soon replacing the very basic machines that took to the skies in 1914.

By the end of war, air power wasn’t just being used for reconnaissance but in ways that are still recognisable today. When the war was over aviation had truly come of age with the opening of mail routes, exploration and record setting exploits.

Produced in collaboration with the BBC and filmed at the Royal Air Force Museum at Hendon this course draws on first –hand interviews from the BBC archive and archival material from the RAF Museum and will look at how this came about and explore the many myths that have arisen.


World War 1 – Changing Faces of Heroism». 

Kurset starter 20. oktober 2014. Varighet 3 uker.


Did the First World War make heroism meaningless or was it the conflict that gave it the most meaning?  We’ve designed this course in partnership with the BBC to help you explore, discuss and challenge the ways in which First World War heroism has been remembered. Our experts will take you through the changing British, French and German views of heroism and discuss important similarities and differences.

Through discussion and analysis of art, literature, film and television, guided by our experts, you will explore the portrayals of heroism before, during and after the war. Drawing on rarely seen archive you will be curating a mini exhibition, exploring a war memorial and writing a review of a representation of war.

Together we will examine the changing faces of heroism from distant figureheads and brave warriors to the ordinary ‘Tommy’ and front-line nurses. The emergence of alternative hero figures, including anti-war campaigners and vulnerable, shell shocked soldiers, is also covered. We hope you will join the University of Leeds and the BBC in a fascinating reflection on the place of heroism, in the centenary commemorations of the First World War.


«World War 1 – Trauma and Memory»

Kurset starter 3. november 2014. Varighet 3 uker.

2014 marks the centennial year of the beginning of the First World War. The war began in the Balkans, but it soon spread to become a European conflict, and developed into a world war. It was a war of unprecedented scale and brutality, with countless casualties. It also left a poisonous legacy for the 20th century and beyond, and many of the issues that were left unresolved in 1918 would lead to another world war in 1939. 1914-1918 was a period in history that has proved provocative and culturally resonant for the last hundred years.You will study the subject of physical and mental trauma, its treatments and its representation. You will focus not only on the trauma experienced by combatants but also the effects of the First World War on civilian populations. In this three-week course, you will discover just how devastating the effects of the First World War were in terms of casualties across the many combatant nations and look in depth at the problem of ‘shell shock’ and how deeply it affected the lives of those who lived through it. You will also develop the skills to carry out your own independent research.

The war was not only experienced on the battlefield, however, and you’ll explore the many and varied ways in which civilians’ lives were affected by it, for example in the way combatant casualties affected the lives of loved ones who were left behind.

Finally, you’ll be looking at how the trauma of the First World War has been depicted in art and literature and see what has been learned from the past in the modern day treatment of combat stress reactions and PTSD.

This course has been produced in collaboration with the BBC, using archive material you will see how representations of trauma have changed over the years.


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Filed under 1. Verdenskrigen, Europahistorie, Historie, Historiske kilder, MOOCs, Nettforelesninger, Politisk historie, Teknologihistorie, Verdenshistorie

Google Map med arkitektoniske perler i Roma

Så har jeg produsert et kart med antikke ruiner i Roma


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Filed under Antikken, Arkitekturhistorie, Europahistorie, HGIS, Historisk verktøy, IKT, MOOCs, Romerriket

Nytt spennende gratis kurs om menneskets historie!

Gratis kurs om menneskets evolusjon, arkeologi og genetikk.

Kurset starter 25. September

Kurs omtalen:
«As contemporary humans, we are a product of our evolutionary past. That past can be directly observed through the study of the human fossil record, the materials preserved for archaeological study, and the DNA of living and extinct human populations. This course will provide an overview of human evolutionary history from the present–contemporary human variation in a comparative context–through our last common ancestor with the living great apes, some 5-7 million years in the past. Emphasis will be placed on major evolutionary changes in the development of humans and the methodological approaches used by paleoanthropologists and related investigators to develop that knowledge. The course will begin by asking basic questions about how evolution operates to shape biological variation and what patterns of variation look like in living humans and apes. We will then look at how the human lineage first began to differentiate from apes, the rise and fall of the Australopithecines, the origin and dispersal of the genus Homo, and eventually the radical evolutionary changes associated with the development of agricultural practices in the past 15,000 years. Throughout the course students will be exposed to the primary data, places and theories that shape our understanding of human evolution.»

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Filed under Antropologi, Arkeologi, MOOCs, Verdenshistorie

Kommende historie-relevante kurser på Coursera

På Coursera er det også flere historie-relevante kurser på vei. Emnene er antropologi, verdenshistorie, Kinas historie og romersk arkitektur.

«A New History for a New China, 1700-2000: New Data and New Methods, Part 1»
Kurset starter 22. juli 2013 og det varer i 4 uker.

The purpose of this course is to summarize some of the new directions in Chinese history and Chinese social science produced by the discovery and analysis of new historical data, in particular archival documents and datasets, and to organize this knowledge in a framework that encourages learning about China in comparative perspective.

Our course demonstrates how a new scholarship of discovery is redefining what is singular about modern China and modern Chinese history. The current understanding of human history and social theory is based largely on Western experience or on non-Western experience seen through a Western lens. This course offers alternative perspectives derived from Chinese experience during the last three centuries. We present specific case studies of the new scholarship of discovery divided into three independent parts, which means that students can take any Part without prior or subsequent attendance of the other Parts. Part 1 addresses the issue of “Who Gets What” and covers sequentially inequality and education, education and social mobility, social mobility and wealth distribution, and wealth distribution and regime change. Part 2 turns to the related issue of “Who Survives” and includes studies of inequality and population behavior, population behavior and human development, human development and social organization, and social organization and social stratification. Part 3 deals with issues of identification and motivation and presents studies of religion and gender, ethnicity, and nationalism from late imperial times to the present-day.

Our class eschews the standard chronological narrative arc for an analytic approach that focuses on specific discoveries and on how these new facts complicate our understanding of comparative societies, human behavior, and the construction of individual and group identities. That being said, while we do not emphasize the temporal narratives of late imperial, early modern and contemporary China, we of course also discuss change over time as China progresses from a largely domestic imperial history to the shared stories of imperialism and semi colonialism, communism and collectivization, and reform and globalization.

«A Brief History of Humankind»
Kurset starter 11. august 2013 og det varer i 17 uker.

The course surveys the entire length of human history, from the evolution of various human species in the Stone Age up to the political and technological revolutions of the twenty-first century.

About 2 million years ago our human ancestors were insignificant animals living in a corner of Africa. Their impact on the world was no greater than that of gorillas, zebras, or chickens. Today humans are spread all over the world, and they are the most important animal around. The very future of life on Earth depends on the ideas and behavior of our species.

This course will explain how we humans have conquered planet Earth, and how we have changed our environment, our societies, and our own bodies and minds. The aim of the course is to give students a brief but complete overview of history, and to answer some basic historical questions such as:
What is religion?
What is an empire?
What is money?
What is science?
What is capitalism?
Why did almost all societies believe that women are inferior to men?
Does history have a direction?
Did people become happier as history progressed?
And what is the likely future of humankind?

«A History of the World since 1300»
Jeg fulgte dette kurset høsten 2012 og kan varmt anbefale det. Det blir en oppgradert utgave i forhold til siste gang.
Kurset starter 17. september 2013 og varer 12 uker.

This course explores the history of the modern world since Chinggis Khan. It focuses on the connections between societies from the time of the Mongol conquests and the gradual, but accelerating ways in which connections became ties of inter-dependence. The relations between societies are what will concern us. The forces pulling the world together vary from religious to economic, political to intellectual. These forces bring the world together, but they also create new divisions. Nowadays, we call this «globalization.» That term has tended to emphasize the drive to worldwide integration; the view of globalization taken in this course emphasizes disintegration as well as integration. We will tackle some very basic questions: How do we explain the staggering wealth of China in the centuries up to 1750, as well as China’s recent ascent? Where did the United States come from, and where is it headed? What are the significance and legacies of empire in the world? How have world wars and revolutions shaped the international system over time? What exactly is globalization, and how does today’s globalization compare with the past? How has the relationship between humans and nature changed over the centuries?

«The Future of Humankind»
Kurset starter i desember 2013.

This course will take students on an extraordinary journey – the beginning of a massive transformation of humankind. Nothing remotely like this had ever happened in the billions of years of evolution on Earth. It was enabled by technology, but many other factors were part of its driving force.

Back in 1750, there were no complex machines in use, except for church clocks. There was no power for machines other than primitive windmills, water wheels and the pulleys with weights that drove church clocks.

We have changed amazingly since 1750, but the truly dramatic changes are yet to come. If we get things right, we have the potential to create a Neo-Renaissance, fundamentally different from the Renaissance centered around Florence in the 16th and 17th centuries. Later this century there will be ubiquitous computer power, fully automated factories, and intelligent robots doing most of the jobs that people do today. If implemented in an enlightened way, people will become used to having a large amount of leisure time, and the arts and humanities will flourish.

«Roman Architecture»
Kurset starter i januar 2014 og det varer 15 uker.
Kurset finnes også i en annen utgave på Open Yale Courses.

Roman Architecture is a course for people who love to travel—in actuality and virtually—to a wide variety of places and we will do that together as we explore the great buildings and engineering marvels of Rome and its vast empire in their ancient and contemporary contexts.

This course is an introduction to the great buildings and engineering marvels of Rome and its empire, with an emphasis on urban planning and individual monuments and their decoration, including mural painting. While architectural developments in Rome, Pompeii, and Central Italy are highlighted, the course also provides a survey of sites and structures in what are now North Italy, Sicily, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, and North Africa. Many of the learning materials presented in this course will be adapted from the Roman Architecture course Professor Kleiner provided as part of the Open Yale Courses project. The lectures are illustrated with over 1,500 images, many from Professor Kleiner’s personal collection.

«Human Evolution: Past and Future»
Kurset starter 21. januar 2014 og det varer 10 uker.

Introduction to the science of human origins, the fossil and archaeological record, and genetic ancestry of living and ancient human populations. The course emphasizes the ways our evolution touches our lives, including health and diet, and explores how deep history may shape the future of our species.

This course covers our evolutionary history across more than seven million years, from our origins among the apes up to the biological changes that are still unfolding today. If you enroll, you’ll encounter the evidence for the earliest members of our lineage, as they begin the long pathway to humanity. You’ll see how scientists are learning about the diets of ancient people, using microscopic evidence and chemical signatures in ancient teeth. We will explore together the exciting fossil discoveries of the last ten years, which have shaken up our notions of the origin of human culture and our own genus.

Genomics has fundamentally transformed the way we understand our evolution, in many ways opening the direct evidence of our history to anyone. The course will teach you how to look inside the genomes of humans, Neandertals and other ancient people. If you have used personal genomics to get your own genotypes, the course will guide you in connecting genetics to your ancestry among ancient humans.

The course brings a special focus on the rapid evolutionary changes of the last 10,000 years. You’ll learn about the consequences of our shift to agriculture, and the ways that people of industrialized nations are still changing today. At the end, we trek forward to anticipate what evolutionary changes may be in store for humanity in the future, using our knowledge of history and scientific understanding to inform our speculations.

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Filed under Historieformidling, Kunsthistorie, MOOCs

3 kommende historierelevante gratis kurser (MOOCs) på EdX

På den ikke-kommersielle MOOC-utbyderen EdX er det 3 kommende, spennende kurser, som er relevante for historieinteresserte folk. Jeg ser frem til dem!

EdX sine kurser går oftest over 2-3 måneder og er de MOOC kurser som mest ligner på almindelig universitetskurser i innhold og krav.
Flere kurser på Coursera og alle kursene på Open2Study er lettere kurser.
De fleste av de som har kurser på EdX bruker gratis tilgjengelig litteratur.

Det er gode sjanser for å bli klogere 😉

«A Global History of Architecture: Part 1»
Kurset starter 17. september 2013 og er 13 uker langt.
Dette er et kurs om arkitektur gjennom tidene.

«This course is a history of architecture from a global perspective.
How do we understand architecture? One way of answering this question is by looking through the lens of history. This course will examine architecture through time, beginning with First Societies and extending to the 15th century. Though the course is chronological, it is not intended as a linear narrative, but rather aims to provide a more global view, by focusing on different architectural «moments.» The lectures will give students the appropriate grounding for understanding a range of buildings and contexts. The material in the lectures will be supplemented by readings from the textbook A Global History of Architecture. Each lecture analyzes a particular architectural transformation arising from a dynamic cultural situation. How did the introduction of iron in the ninth century BCE impact regional politics and the development of architecture? How did new religious formations, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, produce new architectural understandings? What were the architectural consequences of the changing political landscape in northern Italy in the 14th century? How did rock-cut architecture move across space and time from West Asia to India to Africa? How did the emergence of corn impact the rise of religious and temple construction in Mexico? These are typical questions that the lectures will address.»

«Introduction to Human Evolution»
Kurset starter 25. september 2013 og det er 12 uker langt.
Dette er et kurs i antropologi.

«An overview of human evolutionary history viewed through the human fossil, archaeological and genetic records.
As contemporary humans, we are a product of our evolutionary past. That past can be directly observed through the study of the human fossil record, the materials preserved for archaeological study, and the DNA of living and extinct human populations. This course will provide an overview of human evolutionary history from the present–contemporary human variation in a comparative context–through our last common ancestor with the living great apes, some 5-7 million years in the past. Emphasis will be placed on major evolutionary changes in the development of humans and the methodological approaches used by paleoanthropologists and related investigators to develop that knowledge. The course will begin by asking basic questions about how evolution operates to shape biological variation and what patterns of variation look like in living humans and apes. We will then look at how the human lineage first began to differentiate from apes, the rise and fall of the Australopithecines, the origin and dispersal of the genus Homo, and eventually the radical evolutionary changes associated with the development of agricultural practices in the past 15,000 years. Throughout the course students will be exposed to the primary data, places and theories that shape our understanding of human evolution.»

«Was Alexander Great?»
Kurset starter 27. januar 2014, lengde på kurset er foreløpig ikke oppgitt.
Dette er et kurs i gresk historie (Antikken).

«Was Alexander Great? If so, how? If not, why not? This course explores the life, leadership, and legacies of history’s greatest warrior.
Alexander the Great conquered most of the world known to the ancient Greeks, fused the eastern and western peoples of his empire, and became a god – before his 33rd birthday. This course explores the life, leadership, and legacies of history’s warrior, and one of its most controversial leaders, an ambiguous genius whose story helps us to understand not only the history of warfare, but also different ideas about human sexuality, the history of relations between east and west, and the religious beliefs both of ancient polytheists and modern monotheists.»

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Filed under Antikken, Historieformidling, MOOCs, Verdenshistorie

Nytt MOOC-kurs i økonomisk historie er startet i dag!

Det er startet et nytt historiekurs på Coursera i dag. Denne gangen er det et kurs fra et universitet i Australia – universitetet i Melbourne. Kurset heter «Generating the Wealth of Nations» og det omfatter økonomisk verdenshistorie de siste 300 år.

Introduktionsvideoen er på YouTube.

Mitt førstehåndsinntrykk av kurset – jeg har sett de første 3 videoer – er at det tyder på et svært spennende kurs med høyt faglig nivå som vil kreve mer enn 10 timers studietid pr. uke hvis man skal gjøre allt – det er 3 skriftlige oppgaver. På den annen side så behøver man jo ikke det…

Kurset er 10 uker langt.

Det skal bli spennende å være med på!

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Filed under Økonomisk historie, Historie, Historieformidling, Moderne tid, MOOCs, Verdenshistorie

Historiekurser på Coursera

Nå er jeg snart ferdig med et 15 uker langt gratis historiekurs på Coursera: «The Modern World: Global History since 1760» ved Philip Zelikow. Et veldig bra kurs om primært politisk verdenshistorie.

Det har vært en spennende reise, hvor jeg har lært ennå mer. Kurset er selvfølgelig en lett utgave av det kurset Zelikow har på campus, med langt mindre faglige krav til de som følger kurset. Jeg har ikke gjennomført testene i kurset heller – ganske enkelt fordi mitt fokus ville da være å lære stoffet til testen og ikke for min egen lærings skyld… Men kurset er så bra at jeg kunne nå gjerne ta det igjen neste gang det blit tilbudt.

Denne måten å ta kurs på har jeg tenkt å gjøre med et annet Coursera kurs: «Greek and Roman Mythology» ved Peter Struck. Jeg fulgte dette kurset halvhjertet i høst (jeg hadde ikke tid til å lese litteraturen) og da det startet opp igjen for en uke siden kommer jeg til å ta det på fullt.

Å ta Coursera kurser på fult er krevende, mest pga. språket. I flervalgstestene/quizzene er det viktig å kunne forstå nuanser i språket – noe som jeg ikke gjør ennå. Men jeg får innrømme at min engelsk språkforståelse er forbedret kraftig siden jeg begynte på Coursera i høst. Det var en sidegevinst jeg ikke hadde tenkt på da jeg begynte. Jeg leser, hører og skriver mer på engelsk enn jeg noensinde har gjort før 🙂

En annen sidegevinst er alle de fine kjekke studievenner fra hele verden som jeg har fått kontakt med. Fra alle kontinenter! Her er Facebook det viktigste redskapet…

I denne uken kommer jeg til å fullføre mitt første historiekurs på Coursera, som jeg har deltatt i 100 %. Det er kurset «The Ancient Greeks» ved Andrew Szegedy-Maszak. Et fantastisk kurs som har åpnet til en verden som er utrolig spennende. Dette kurset kan jeg også anbefale!

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Filed under Antikken, Historieformidling, Moderne tid, MOOCs, Politisk historie, Verdenshistorie

Slutter på historiestudiet på Høgskolen i Volda

Jeg er tett på å være den stakkels eleven:


Jeg syns fortsatt at historie er et kjempe spennende fag, men at det kan bli fremstilt under veldig kvalitetsvarierende former.

Historiekurset på Høgskolen i Volda er – etter min mening – av for lav kvalitet og det er andre, gratis tilbud som er bedre, morsommere og mye mer lærerike. Jeg skal forklare.

På historiekurset i Volda er det tilsynelatende stor forskjell på om man er online-student eller «on campus»-student. «On campus»-studenter har flere tilbud, noe som jeg tror utgjør en stor forskjell.

«On campus»-studenter har ferske forelesninger, mens online-studentene må nøyes med gamle forelesninger – noen tilbake fra 2008 – noen bare med lyd i så dårlig kvalitet at jeg har oppgitt å forstå hva det blir sagt på opptaket. Av og til syns de også at det er nok å legge ut en pdf av en powerpoint som er blitt brukt ved en tidligere forelesning (uten at det følger med video, lyd eller script fra forelesningen…). Noen av forelesningene er på streamet video – men med varierende kvalitet av nettforbindelse er det ikke altid mulig å se den på tidspunkter når man vil (jeg har f.eks. konkurranse med 3 tenåringers bruk av nettforbindelse) og skolen beskytter sitt «produkt» så det er ikke mulig å laste forelesningen ned og se den offline…

Det blir utlevert oppgaver til hver forelesning, men her er studentene helt overlatt til seg selv og til enkelte forelesninger er det over 50 spørsmål, hvilket gjør det vanskelig å vurdere og prioritere. Spør folk hvorfor får de bare svar om at det nok er en lærer det har overdrevet litt. Men rettet opp på den slags skjer ikke. Studentene får heller ikke veiledning om prioritering.

Faglige diskusjoner
Jeg trodde i min naivitet at det var mulig på et onlinekurs å ha et faglig diskusjonsforum. Dels bruker Høgskolen i Volda Fronter som læringsplatform, som har en form på diskusjonsforumet som er vanskelig å navigere i. For eksempel kommer du alltid til starten av tråden selv om du trykker på et svar mange innlegg under. Dels gjør lærerne få eller ingen forsøk på å skape et miljø, hvor teskelen er tilpass lav for spørsmål og diskusjoner, som bare ligner litt på de gruppediskusjoner de har på campus. Det betyr at online-studentene går til Facebook (som har en fin diskusjonsstruktur), men der er lærerne jo ikke. I Facebook-gruppene har vi vært flinke til å hjelpe hverandre med praktiske ting, men vi greier ikke faglige diskusjoner. De diskusjoner hvor vår faglighet kan trenes er i praksis ikke et tilbud fra Høgskolen i Volda – for online-studenter.

Så resultatet er blitt at jeg leser hjemme og forstår eller ikke forstår det jeg leser. Alene. Men det behøver jeg ikke et kurs for å gjøre…

Samtidig ser jeg via MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) på Coursera, EdX og flere andre steder at det kan være annerledes. At online-kurser kan være av høy kvalitet og at lærestedet ønsker å utvikle tilbudet til noe bedre. Ikke at alle MOOCs er perfekte, men det at de utviser vilje til å bli bedre og ikke fortsetter med den samme dårlige kvaliteten år etter år… Det siste er kanskje den største mangelen på historiestudiet på Høgskolen i Volda og det som er mest avgjørende for meg.

Så beslutningen jeg tok i dag er: jeg slutter på studiet i Volda og gjør mer ut av de mange spennende MOOCs som strømmer på. Noen historiekurser, andre innen andre fag. Ikke gir de studiepoeng, men desto kjekkere er de å delta på.

Trist at ingen MOOCs tilbyr norsk, nordisk eller skandinavisk historie… Men kanskje det kommer?

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Filed under Høgskolen i Volda, Historiestudiet, MOOCs